Discount Periodicities

A discount periodicity can either inherit its pricing scheme from the underlying plan, or define a bespoke periodicity.

If you want the length of the discount periodicity to match that of the underlying plan, it will be of type inherit (e.g., "save 50% for the first month"). If you want to ensure that a specific time period is always honored, it will be of type bespoke (e.g., "pay $1 for the first 60 days").

Bespoke discount periodicities can be used to offer free trials. To create a 30-day free trial, create a bespoke discount periodicity where type=day, duration=30, and cents=0.

If a discount periodicity is of type inherit, the underlying data model will be a Savings Object . The savings object will apply the desires savings amount against the defined periodicity of the plan for as many payment cycles as you want.


typestringOne of: bespoke or inherit
bespokeobjectEmbedded Periodicity object. This attribute is only set if type is set to bespoke.
inheritobjectEmbedded Savings object. This attribute is only set if type is set to inherit.