
We store every email submitted so you can retarget abandoners.

Email addresses are collected as the first part of the embedded signup flow process. Every email collected is stored as a lead, and will trigger your defined abandoned cart series 45 minutes after being received.

In the embedded flow, we run the Mailcheck library to check common typos and to suggest corrections. If the individual clicks to accept a suggestion, it will replace the original lead with the suggested email address. This works as a second API call is made to the create endpoint with the replace parameter set to the original typo.

As long as the replacement happens in that first 45 minutes, the originally provided email will be completely ignored. This improves deliverability by reducing emails sent to poorly formed addresses.

You can also import your existing lead list using the Subscribe endpoint. This endpoint will create leads that don't already exist, but will not put them into the abandoned cart flow. Ensure that you are only importing those members of your list that are in a subscribed state!