Reverse Proxies

Reverse proxies let you delegate content under certain path prefixes to external services (e.g., Wordpress)

Similar to landing pages and redirects, reverse proxies also embed the concept of Referrals .

If the content you are proxying to generates a sitemap (e.g., Wordpress makes a sitemap index available at /sitemap.xml), you should add the full proxied sitemap URL to the application's Sitemaps.


Landing page / redirect path collision

If an enabled reverse proxy shares a path prefix with a landing page or redirect, the reverse proxy will have precedence


path_prefixuriThe path prefix to proxy all traffic. Must be unique for the application. If you have nested reverse proxies sharing a common path prefix, the most specific enabled path prefix will be used first.

So if you have a path prefix at /reverse/ and another defined at /reverse/proxy, requests to /reverse/proxy/a will be routed to the second.
proxy_hosturiThe fully qualified host to proxy traffic. Should include the protocol (e.g., not
proxy_prefixuriThe prefix in the proxy host that should replace the path_prefix. If not set, the full path_prefix will be sent as the path request. Should start with a leading /.
enabledbooleanIf this redirect is currently enabled. Disabled redirects will be ignored. Redirects are automatically enabled upon upsert.
referral_methodologystringThe Methodology used to merge referral parameters defined in the landing page vs supplied in the URL.
referralobjectThe default Referral object associated with the landing page version.
created_atintegerUnix timestamp of when the redirect was created (in seconds since the Unix epoch).
updated_atintegerUnix timestamp of when the redirect was last updated (in seconds since the Unix epoch).