The Revenue HQ API is based on REST.
The Revenue HQ API expects and returns a JSON-encoded payload. It uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs. All requests must be made over HTTPS (SSL).
We generate V7 UUIDs as the primary key for all objects. If you store this value locally in a database like MySQL, we recommend that you define the column as VARCHAR(255)
All timestamps will be returned as integers representing the Unix time (i.e., the number of seconds elapsed since the Unix epoch).
Revenue HQ is built on the principle of no private APIs. Our web client is built as a static site hosted on S3. This is done as a forcing function to ensure we dogfood our APIs. Our official clients are built on top of the same public APIs that we expose to you.
We work with the largest financial companies to securely vault sensitive information and process transactions. Our principal technology partner is Stripe: we use their infrastructure to onboard new applications (including KYC and AML validations), securely vault bank account and credit card data, and to process charges.
Revenue HQ commits to strong backwards compatibility within the major release version. Code written for prior releases will continue to work for subsequent releases within that major version.