

idstringV7 UUID generated when the subscription is created.
account_idstringThe id of the account that owns this subscription.
parent_idstringThe id of the parent subscription, if this subscription is a child of another subscription.
resumed_from_idstringThe id of the subscription that this subscription was resumed from (if any).
timezonestringThe timezone of the subscription (immutable once created).
starts_atintegerUnix timestamp of when the subscription starts (in seconds since the Unix epoch). This is an inclusive value.
ends_atintegerUnix timestamp of when the subscription ends (in seconds since the Unix epoch). This is an exclusive value. A value of 0 means this subscription is not set to expire.
cancel_typestringThe type of cancellation that was performed on this subscription. This field is only set if the subscription has been canceled. One of: admin, dunning, hard-failure, pause, plan-change, or user.
past_due_sinceintegerUnix timestamp of when the subscription became past due (in seconds since the Unix epoch). This field is only set if the subscription is past due.
entitlementsarrayArray of strings containing the full list of all entitlements granted by this subscription.
plan_group_idstringThe id of the associated plan group.
planobjectThe plan associated with the subscription.
processorstringWho runs the actual billing. One of: stripe, apple.
manageablebooleanIf the subscription can be managed programmatically via API. Most IAP subscriptions are not manageable.
discount_periodsarrayThe discount periods associated with this subscription.
current_periodobjectThe current billing period.
referralobjectThe referral object at the time the subscription was created.
paymentsarrayArray of all payments that have been made for this subscription.
cancelled_atintegerUnix timestamp of when the subscription was canceled (in seconds since the Unix epoch). This field is only set if the subscription has been canceled.
created_atintegerUnix timestamp of when the subscription was created (in seconds since the Unix epoch).
updated_atintegerUnix timestamp of when the subscription was last updated (in seconds since the Unix epoch).